Lynelle Folkert


My day job is managing short and long term properties where I get my hands dirty cleaning toilets and floors. Often this serves to scour my life of unproductive thinking that crops up at times. Life isn’t easy and it takes work to maintain a healthy equilibrium. I am an insightful Life Coach. I care deeply and am dedicated to helping people improve their lives through powerful reflective questions. I wrote my book Hexpectations because I discovered how my unspoken, and unrealistic expectations were poisoning outcomes from becoming reasonably met. I believe a lot of life is navigated by a powerful word called choice. As adults, some things we get to choose like our clothes, work and attitude; some things we don’t like our genetics, or things that happen to us. I exist and thrive to empower people to break away from bad habits, old patterns and negative mindsets. I believe when people become more aware, they can then choose differently. However, it takes consistency over time to build trust in ourselves to do just that. I also believe this empowerment happens when we recognize our best choice is first surrendering our life and will over to the care of Jesus Christ.


