Lynn D. Carlisle


Lynn Carlisle has authored 4 books (including In a Spirit of Caring and Motivational Interviewing in Dentistry), several e-books and over 400 articles for his web site In a Spirit of Caring. He practiced dentistry for 40 years in the U.S. Army and Ft. Collins, Colorado. He is a long time student of psychologists Carl Rogers and Art Combs – two of the pioneers in the person-centered approach. Along the way he has been on the Board of Directors of the Pankey Institute and the Bob Barkley Foundation. He has also been president of his local dental society and the Barkley Foundation. He has been a pioneer in wellness and relationship-based dentistry. Additionally, he has been called “the modern day father of doctor/patient relationships” for his work on “understanding and finding meaning in the doctor/patient relationship”.

