Lynne Bianchi


Dr. Lynne M. Bianchi completed her doctoral degree in biomedical sciences and has 25 years of research, teaching, and consulting experience in pharmaceutical, medical university, and undergraduate settings. She is currently the Director of Medical Research at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Hamot and Gannon University and Emerita Professor of Neuroscience at Oberlin College. She has published three books. Her most recent book, "The Developing Brain and Its Connections" is an expanded and updated volume of the popular "Developmental Neurobiology". Like the previous volume, this book focuses on cellular events and key experiments from neural induction through synaptic reorganization. Perspectives of undergraduate and graduate students, medical residents, physicians, and established investigators highlight the many areas of active research in the field of neurodevelopment. "Research During Medical Residency: A How-To Guide for Residents and Faculty Mentors", written with faculty physicians, offers practical advice on developing research projects and incorporating scholarly work into clinical practice.


