Márquez Price


Márquez Price is a rising Essayist, Poet, and Author who is passionate about making an impact on others by crafting content that touches issues of the collective human fabric. His debut poetry book, "My Train Is on Schedule" became a bestseller in August of 2021 and was followed up by his second poetry book, "From the Observer to the Observed" which also became a bestseller. Márquez is a critical thinker and open-minded author who does not shy away from any topic. Drawing from his life story, he incorporates various topics that cover the existential spectrum as shown in his nationally published essays. He writes from a cultural perspective of enriched heritage, history and pride- weaving those into conveyable concepts that are universally relatable. He plans to and is working on various projects that will touch a variety of genres of writing. Márquez has gained a large diversity of supporters and looks forward to growing with his audience as he continues to grow through his purpose of writing.



