M. D. Bushnell is the co-author of the Key of Creation Series, a new “genre-bending” epic fantasy series available on Amazon.com. The series currently consists of Rise of the Destroyer, Journey to Khodara, and the Temple of Kian, with a compilation due out on July 4th of this year. To learn more, surf over to www.keyofcreation.com, or like us at www.facebook.com/KeyofCreationSeries. He enjoys traveling, and has lived all over the United States, including Montana, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nebraska and southern California, where he currently resides. When he's not writing, you're likely to find him online, reading, watching a movie, or playing a video game…which is currently Star Wars the Old Republic while he eagerly awaits Wildstar :) Join him and his co-author at https://www.facebook.com/KeyOfCreationSeries