M. Dalton King


Hello there! My name is M. Dalton King and by way of introduction let me just say I’m a Brooklyn born New Yorker who has been publishing books, off and on, since the 90’s. The first book I published was a tea book called SpecialTeas… that was then followed by a much smaller, miniature book titled Tea Time. That little book graced the counters of gift shops just about everywhere for nearly a decade. Along the way, I wrote two other cookbooks and then, two books with doll themes. The first was a ‘how to’ on making miniature doll shoes and the second was on the art of miniature millinery. Both books were collaborations with Timothy J. Alberts and Pat Henry. And, let me just add that several of these books such as SpecialTeas, Tea Time and the 'how to' books, can still be found here at Amazon. And now, a new venture, the Hippo book…"What If…All The Hippos Got Loose And Came To Live With Us?" It’s my first effort at publishing a children’s book, and if all goes well, it will be the first in the ‘What if' series. Check it out and see if a child you love, or even an adult, would like to have this book. Mary King



