ml collins has done stuff. Good stuff. Bad stuff. Fun stuff. Boring stuff. She believes in true love, laughing loud and often, being kind, and assuming the best in people until they show you otherwise. She loves classic rock, old Motown, and ’90s country music. Just try to stop her from dancing. Although, please don’t, because she loves dancing. (But, for the love of Pete, do stop her from singing; only people who love her dearly should have to suffer through that.) She hates naps, dill pickles, and scary movies. Loves windy days, dogs, and LOTR. She’s an unashamed lover of sprinkles on cupcakes. ml loves reading and writing quirky sweet romance novels that makes you snicker, swoon, and sigh. She loves hearing from readers! mlcollinsauthor.blogspot.com instagram.com/m.l.collinsauthor