
Triumph over Trauma! It has been a long road to recovery, but long ago, I decided to heal my trauma to the best of my ability. However, this would not have been possible without the help I received from too many people to list. Since I released my story, I have heard from dozens who sent me private messages telling me what reading this has done for them. This was one of my goals for writing my story so rawly. I wish I had something like this to read when I was healing. I will no longer hide what happened to me or the extent that it did. I read over and over the shame survivors feel, and it is a constant battle not listening to those voices in our head, voices that are NOT even ours, but our perpetrators. I am handing it back to where it belongs. Thank you for supporting me in this journey. Thank you for purchasing the book. It is now available in Paperback and Hardcover on Amazon.


