Under the pseudonym of Mari Sang, she is an Ecuadorian woman born in 1984. Mari speaks fourth languages, she loves write and read romance, Ecuadorian food, and nature. Since 2014 she has lived in Brazil. For her writing is a dream that comes true. "Gertrudis" is her first story, published on the last day of February 2021. Gertrudis was published in four languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French. Her second book is a confession as a mother, "13 Things nobody told you about being a mother or father: How to survive, without dying trying." published on April 1st. 2021. Her first novel is "Greta and her ultimate travel time." The novel was published in Spanish on June 1st. 2021. "Reminiscencias. Poemas y Canciones de Cuna" is her poetry book written in her heart, written with her father. "Genoveva a super-heroína" tale book, published in Portuguese and Spanish. "Una navidad para compartir. Cuentos. Um natal para compartilhar. Contos" & "Cuentos de NAVIDAD. Historias infantiles escritas por niños. Contos de Natal. Histórias de crianças e para crianças" are two bilingual anthologies written with her daughter Amelie Victoria "Gilberto el emigrante" her last tale book about emigration published in Spanish. Follow me on my social networks: Instagram @mari.csang @book.spoiler.reviews Facebook: Mari.Sang.Autora