Marion Rose Ph.D


Marion Rose, PhD, is the author of five best selling books: 'All of Your Feelings are Welcome'; 'Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting'; 'I'm Here and I'm Listening'; 'The Emotional Life of Babies'; and 'Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children' (the last book is co-authored). Marion has been studying psychology and consciousness since 1987 and has a PhD on postnatal depression and the mother-infant relationship from Cambridge University. In the 90s, she researched infant development as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and taught MA students, and held a practice as a Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist. Marion has been practicing Aware Parenting since 2002 and is the mother of two young adults – her daughter and son. She has been an Aware Parenting instructor since 2005 and is a Level Two instructor and the Regional Coordinator for Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. Marion is also the founder of The Marion Method, which is a psychospiritual paradigm of parenting, reparenting and re-culturing. She offers online courses and 1:1 mentoring for parents and people who want support with reparenting and getting free from Disconnected Domination Culture conditioning. She also offers mentoring and trainings for those who want to become Aware Parenting instructors or Marion Method Mentors. She is passionate about creating societal and cultural change through these paradigms. She hosts the 3-million-played The Aware Parenting Podcast, as well as The Psychospiritual Podcast, and co-hosts The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast with Joss Goulden, a level 2 instructor in Australia.


