Marisa Boan is a former teacher and school administrator with over 20 years of experience in New York City schools. She is now a curriculum writer who resides in New Rochelle, NY with her five-year-old son Max. Take a look at what teachers and parents are saying about these great Meet the Artist Units: "Loved everything in this resource. Just what I needed in order to teach my kiddos about Vincent Van Gogh." "I can't say enough about this resource. It was absolutely amazing! " "I love these artist units, they have really helped doing art through distance learning." From the Author: When I was young I had one of those wonderful mothers who would let me write all over my bedroom walls with chalk. I would “play school” for hours, writing furiously on the walls, as my Barbies and teddy bears sat silently at attention. For my son, I painted a large wall right in the middle of our living room with clear chalkboard paint. He, too, writes furiously, creating a new painting for our home each day. Oh, how I miss chalk! Visit magicspellsforteachers.com to view Art Activities you can download for children in grades K-6.