Mark Kelley


Mark Kelley is an award-winning Alaska photographer. His books have sold over a quarter million copies. His Alaska bestseller “Alaska: A Photographic Excursion” is a Benjamin Franklin Award recipient, and his kid’s photo book “Once Upon Alaska” is a A Mom’s Choice Awards® Gold Recipient. Mark Kelley placed Best in Show in the 2017 North American Nature Photography Association Showcase Competition and he has won a Nature’s Best Windland Smith Rice Photography Award. Mark is the recipient of a Juneau Mayor’s Award for the Arts. Mark’s work in journalism has been recognized by the Alaska Press Club, the National Press Photographers Association, and the Society of Professional Journalists. Mark Kelley has called Alaska home for over forty years. “As a kid in Buffalo, New York, I always wondered what it would be like to encounter a whale,” says Mark, “I moved north and in 1978 graduated from the University of Alaska with a journalism degree.” Mark has been an Alaska resident for over forty five years.



