Mark M.J. Green. Bald and bearded reviewer, and writer. Mark likes the spooky side of life and things that go bump in the night. Although that's usually him wandering into something as he didn't bother to turn a light on. Mark was found as a child, wandering through the Fens of Cambridgeshire in the UK. He writes horror fiction in a variety of styles within the genre. To create your own version of Mark, take one, Mr Potatohead and attach his angry eyes - preferably placing one of them at a slightly different angle to the other. Affix a beard and leave the head barren of growth. Congratulations. You now have your very own Mark MJ Green. Caution. Product may swear at random moments and for no apparent reason. Despite his gruesome tales and grumpy exterior, Mark is a friendly chap who enjoys spending time with his family. He currently resides in Lincolnshire.