Mark McIntire


“Born in Salem, Massachusetts, Mark McIntire received his undergraduate and graduate Philosophy degrees from Oblate College at the Catholic University of America. In 1977 he wrote an original one-man-show, JFK: A Time Remembered giving over 500 performances world-wide. Author of The Financial Core Handbook, Professor Mark McIntire has taught Philosophy since 1966 at Westfield State College, Massachusetts (now Westfield State University), University of Phoenix, Antioch University, and currently teaches online at Santa Barbara City College, in California. McIntire was elected to the National Screen Actors Guild Board of Directors in 1983, when he wrote and filed a brief amicus curiae with the Supreme Court of the United States in the landmark case CWA v Beck (1986). The high court decision 5-3 sustained McIntire’s argument and led to the publication of his work The Financial Core Handbook that remains the definitive source on this topic to date. Along with his online teaching of Critical Thinking and Writing at Santa Barbara City College, McIntire conducts executive level seminars in “Critical Thinking for Success”. In 2011, “The Mark McIntire Show: MINDS THAT MATTER” ran for 52 episodes on AM 1290 Santa Barbara News Press Radio/ “Supplemental materials for this textbook, Reason Argue Refute: Critical Thinking About Anything, are available on Mark McIntire’s online teaching website: ” Excerpt From: Artist, Unknown. “Book Title.” iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright. Excerpt From: Artist, Unknown. “Book Title.” iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

