I'm going to write my biography in the first person! I'm an Irish author and animator. I'm also an octopus, capable of doing many things at once with my eight limbs, which is useful as my two lovely daughters require that ability most of the time. I have adequate trampolining skills, and my accident rate vis-a-vis horse play is low enough to be considered passable. I've won many accolades and distinctions in my imagination, and I've been on the receiving end of various agreeable and laudatory comments from close friends and immediate family, which is encouraging. I love great children's books. I love reading to my daughters, I love beautiful illustration, and I love skillful writing. Sometimes I have a choice in what we read, but mostly not! Some books we read once, some books we've read 60 times! My writing is inspired by the super-duper books we've read over and over, and over again! A great children's book isn't just a story or series of cutesy pictures - it's an experience, and a memory that can last a life-time. It's something I try to strive for in the creation of my tales. I hope you are interested to learn a little about my books. If so, take a little peep in the "Look inside" section at my books pages. The two main protagonists in my books are Eve and Scribbles - and they care little about the mundane laws of time and space!! Keep reading! Mark