Marnee Foldoe, as a child, had great difficulty learning to read. After a major life change, she discovered that books were her best friends, and she could visit worlds and people far from her own life. She eventually became an avid reader. As her love of reading grew, she developed a desire to become an author, but had no idea what to write about. As a young adult, she had raised chickens. After many years of being "chickenless," she visited a ranch, hoping to buy freshly laid eggs. She ended up with much more… a volunteer job taking care of the chickens in the coops. While feeding, watering, and collecting eggs, ideas for writing children’s books about chickens were hatched!. She began following her dream and has been writing ever since. She loves animals. Besides pet chickens, Marnee has had dogs and cats in her home. Currently, she is a "furrever foster" mother to a very loud, talkative all black cat.