Marshall Miller is the pen name of a Retired Homeland Security Senior Special Agent/Criminal Investigator and military veteran. Thirty years of military and law enforcement experience enables Marshall Miller to write about the edgier side of the human experience. Marshall bases his characters on people and creatures he knew during his life while writing a crime thriller based on experiences with human trafficking (JADE EYES) or creating an extraterrestrial culture for squid aliens who invade Earth because Homo sapiens taste just fine without the catsup (THE TSCHAAA INFESTATION SERIES). His personal experiences enable him to write accurate depictions of law enforcement operations and action sequences more believable than the typical Hollywood script. After worldwide travel, Marshall now lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and several canine persons. BLUE FORGE PRESS publishes over eight of his literary works, with more coming. Readers looking for something different and exciting should sample Marshall Miller's books. The author can also be found on YouTube interviewing other creatives and artisans as part of Kitsap Literary Artists and Writers (KLAW) Author Showcase. (P.S. Marshall Miller has been to Area 51.)