Marvin C. McMaster


Dr. Marvin McMaster is a full-time writer, adjunct professor of Chemistry at the U. Missouri-St. Louis teaching seminars and short extension course on laboratory instruments, selling, and computers, and teaches Bible study at his local Methodist church. He currently works as a consultant from the St.Louis area, teaches at St. Andrew UMC in Florissant, MIssouri, and is extending his writing into World War II biography, religious fiction and non-fiction. and science fiction/fantasy after having accidentally encountered the royal wishing pig, Aloysius. His latest published work "Buying and Selling Laboratory Instruments" is dual purposed. It provides a guide to the purchasing process by a knowledgeable sales specialist unconnected to manufacturers. It also represents the first systematic guide to the selling profession by a successful Win-Win salesman who has made a career out of making customer's successful with their instruments. TANSTAAFL applies to selling as well as to life. "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch!" A salesman who fails to make his customers successful with his products is going to starve to death because he never gets any repeat business. Judge Ziglar was right when he said, "Timid Salesmen Have Skinny Kids." So do salesman who do not support and make their customer successful. Dr. McMaster has a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the U. Nebraska-Lincoln, laboratory experience as a synthetic and process chemist with DuPont, Kraft Foods, Ciba-Geigy and biochemical/medical postdoctoral experience at Florida State U., U. Colorado Med. School, and U. Michigan. For 25 years he sold laboratory instruments and computer interfaces as a technical sales representative for Waters Associates, LDC, Beckman Instruments, Pharmacia/LKB, and Teknivent. He has also worked as a networking and support technician for MacIntosh computer at Washington U. Medical School in St. Louis. He began teaching 2-day in-field HPLC courses for Beckman and added evening extensions courses at UMSL and wrote his first book "HPLC: A Practical User's Guide" when he was unable to find a useable textbook. Laboratory computers. GC/MS and LC/MS courses and books were added as this expertise emerged from his selling career.


