Mary Jones became interested in herbal remedies early on in her life. After becoming frustrated with the ineffectiveness and sometimes severe side effects of synthetic remedies, she started researching whether or not natural cures could be made to the same effect, without the use of synthetic means. After dedicating years of her life to research, learning from natural remedies masters, as well as from doctors that use natural cures to help their patients, she decided it was time to share the knowledge she had gathered with the world. One of Mary’s life goals is to make the world a better, happier place, and her writings are definitely a testament to that. She does not want to keep all of her research and discoveries to herself. She has elected to share them, in a format that makes them available to just about everyone. And instead of talking about just the unknown or difficult to find herbs, as many naturalists do, she has selected remedies that anyone can make, so that every person can make themselves healthier, easily and inexpensively. Mary’s books aren’t just about theory; they are about practice – actually fighting infections and ailments naturally!