MARYE DEAN, ESQ. Attorney • Artist • Activist Marye Dean, Esq. is an award winning entrepreneur, attorney, artist and activist who occupied Wall Street at the Occupy Wall Street Movement while simultaneously working as an attorney representing Goldman Sachs and other Fortune 500 companies during the recession. This contrast gave her a unique voice: Don't Occupy Wall Street, Start a Business! Today she masquerades as a corporate Robin Hood using her years of experience representing Wall Street investors and serial entrepreneurs to inspire, educate and support young black business owners who are looking to start or scale their businesses. The mastermind behind BlackWallStreet.com, her mission is economic equality through entrepreneurship. Her goal is to fulfill this mission by helping one million black business owners open their businesses sooner and grow them faster to keep them and their bank accounts IN THE BLACK! Visit BuildBlackWallStreet.com for more info.