Maureen K. Day


I am a sociologist who writes on a number of topics as they intersect with religion, including civic engagement, community and the construction of meaning. Through interviews, Christians have told me their hopes and fears when it comes to religion and politics, religious leaders have confided the challenges in their congregations, campus ministers have described the way religion is (and is not) connecting with today's young adults, and "ordinary Americans" have navigated murky waters and moral uncertainty on controversial issues. Then I connect what people have discussed with theoretical insights and larger trends, embedding my findings in a context and discovering new insights. My books provide a window into real people, real problems and real possibilities. I am a Research Affiliate at the University of Southern California's Center for Religion and Civic Culture as well as their Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies. I am also an Associate Member of the Las Casas Institute, Blackfriars, University of Oxford.


