Maurice Graham, DMin, LMFT, founder of Shepherd’s Staff Ministry, Inc., has counseled and coached ministers and their families for over 35 years. In 2005, Dr. Graham received training and certification by the Daniel Goleman Group in the abilities and aptitude called emotional intelligence. He wondered: “Could this groundbreaking understanding of what it means to bring intelligence to emotion be helpful to vocational ministers?” Dr. Graham quickly realized that the corporate model of emotional intelligence didn’t adequately translate into a vocational ministry setting, so he began his own research. Dr. Graham created the first 360-degree, multi-source assessment to measure emotional intelligence in clergy and established his own unique Call and Identity Coaching™. After years of research with more than 3,000 clergy, he formulated his theory of clergy emotional intelligence and theological intelligence and named it Pastoral Intelligence™. Currently, Dr. Graham is a Marriage and Family Therapist licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He spends his time primarily training coaches in his Pastoral Intelligence methodology as well as being the founder of Shepherd’s Staff Ministry. Dr. Graham’s first book Prayers From the Desert: Living Out the Pastoral Call As a Hostage in Kuwait is about his experience being held hostage in Kuwait during the First Gulf War. This moving account is how God was present with him and his wife and two sons during this crisis.