Maya Cointreau is an author and holistic health teacher. Her books are published by Earth Lodge™, a company specializing in publications for body, mind and spirit. The Girl Who Could Dance in Outer Space, one of Maya's children's books, is used in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's teaching curriculums for thousands of schools. Passionate about all avenues of healing, Maya is particularly interested in the evolving merger of science and spirituality, and its impact upon healthcare and humanity. She has over 20 years of experience in vibrational healing and is an Usui Reiki Master attuned in Karuna Reiki and the Iris Healing Method, along with having rigorously studied herbalism, flower essences, polarity therapy, naturopathic principles, homeopathy, crystal healing, shamanic modalities, and aromatherapy. When all her other work is put away and her children are tucked into bed, Maya runs online short story and poetry competitions each year with her good friend, Monisha Saldanha Banerjee. Momaya Press is now in its 16th year and has become a powerful way for aspiring authors to connect with real editors and professionals in the publishing industry.