Meg Ormiston is an author and a presenter who specializes in transforming teaching and learning through the power of digital tools. Her research is focused on how curriculum can be delivered through the use of visual images, simulations, and multimedia coupled with real-time assessment aligned to the Common Core State Standards. For more than 30 years, Meg has worked with educators to change instructional practice in the classroom. She has an extensive curriculum background and over 12 years as a classroom teacher. An internationally known keynote speaker, Meg engages audiences with powerful digital stories and captivating examples about how teaching and learning can be transformed. Meg has taught grades 2–6 and has also served as a K–8 math coach, technology coach, and curriculum coach, school board member, professional development specialist, and grant facilitation specialist. She has authored twelve books, written numerous articles and blogs, and collaborated on professional videos. She is also involved in many personal learning communities. Improving student learning is her goal for every professional development session. Her upbeat presenting style, classroom background, and practical examples make her highly credible and effective with teachers. Her wide range of experiences and examples enrich her writing and her presentations. Meg holds a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Her work can be further explored at and you can follow her on Twitter at @megormi