Megan Searfoss is the founder of Run Like a Mother®,a national 5K race series designed to encourage women of all levels and abilities to experience the gift of running as a means to finding balance in their lives. Through simple training programs and practical lifestyle tips--without the technical overload--Megan has been successful at converting the skeptics into lifelong runners. She is a certified Personal Trainer, Run, Cycling, Triathlon Coach, and Megan is a wife and mother of three daughters who learned to run because she found it an inexpensive, time saving, and mostly mind saving exercise. She began running at age 30 when her oldest daughter was two, juggling motherhood, a career, a home, and everything in between. Now nearly 20 years and more than 20 marathons, numerous races, and triathlons later; she has found that running has helped to balance the chaos of work/life, and opportunity for self-fulfillment begins. Megan has participated in two Ironman World Championships in 2008 and 2010, Hawaii. Running has been Megan's salvation through a time when all three of her daughters and husband were diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. She learned through her running that testing her body physically strengthened her mentally. It is this reason that coaching other women has been so rewarding: knowing that a strong heart makes a strong mind.