Michael Asimow


Michael Asimow is a professor at Santa Clara Law School and professor of law emeritus at UCLA Law School. Michael’s website is michaelasimow.com and his email address is asimow@law.ucla.edu. He lives with his wife Merrie in Menlo Park, California. He has 6 children and 12 grandchildren. "Real to Reel: Truth and Trickery in Courtroom Movies" (2021), by Michael Asimow and Paul Bergmank, is a video guide to courtroom movies from the 1930s to the present. It ranks the movies on a one-to-four gavel system (four for the classics) and answers all the questions you'll have after seeing the film. Be sure to see and then read about the great oldies like "Witness for the Prosecution," "Inherit the Wind," "12 Angry Men," or "My Cousin Vinny" as well as current films like "The Trial of the Chicago 7," "On the Basis of Sex," or "Denial." Michael edited "Lawyers In Your Living Room: Law on Television" (2009) which contains informative chapters about the great legal television shows. Michael also co-wrote "Law and Popular Culture—A Course Book," now in its third edition (2020). It's a teaching tool for undergraduate or graduate school classes studying the intersection between law and pop culture. In the area of administrative law, Michael wrote "State and Federal Administrative Law" with Ron Levin (now in its 5th edition). Michael's three-volume treatise "California Practice Guide: Administrative Law" is the definitive work on that subject and is constantly consulted by courts and lawyers who have California administrative law problems.



