Michael I. Axelrod


I am currently a Professor in the Psychology Department, Director of the Human Development Center, and Chair of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. I am a licensed psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. I teach courses in the graduate School Psychology Program involving developmental psychopathology and evidence-based interventions. I teach undergraduate courses in child and adolescent development and the History of Psychology, and supervise independent studies in child clinical and pediatric psychology, and critical thinking in psychology and science. My clinical and research interests involve an area of psychology referred to as behavioral pediatrics. Behavioral pediatrics is the intersection of primary care pediatrics and behavioral psychology (including Applied Behavior Analysis). I specifically address routine problems of childhood and adolescence that have potentially negative consequences including enuresis (bedwetting), temper tantrums, and childhood anxiety. I'm also interested in helping parents and teachers solve problems involving Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other disruptive behavior disorders, delinquency, and learning. Finally, I'm interested in promoting evidence-based practices in psychology and education by debunking common myths and misconceptions.


