Michael McClain has done a wide range of work, ranging from commercial advertising to fine art, graphic design to desktop publishing, but his first love has always been comics. The last few years he has dealt with some setbacks but like any soldier in a fight he marches on, winning more battles than losing. The good news is that he has won the war. His new venture is Michael McClain’s Artist Showcase, a series of art books featuring an brethren of artist. In my opinion, this a major step beyond anything he’s done before, making his journey from corporate work-for-hire to a publisher of artistic integrity. Admittedly, there are many great publishers in the industry but few who are so personally involved in presenting a pool of underrated masters of craft. Michael broke into comics with his simple artwork, featuring an host of characters in a beautifully cartoonist style. Michael immense amount of talent works in the areas of graphic design and books and magazine layout and graphic storytelling. In between freelance jobs Michael creator his owned title comic and how to…and wrote several short novel, that coming out in the near future.