Michael S. Williamson


My new book is "Somelace Like America: Tales from the New Great Depression," with writer Dale Maharidge. Bruce Springsteen has written a foreword. Someplace Like America will have three major sections of photographs, 81 total images. Many were taken over the past 30 years as Dale and I documented American workers who sometimes end up homeless. Other images were taken during my travels as a staff photographer at the Washington Post. For more information, go to Facebook, where Dale has created a page. Type in "Someplace Like America: The book." If you don't have a Facebook acount, type that title in Google and add "Facebook" and the page will come up. The book will be published by the University of California Press in May. This account is being "built" by Amazon. Once I am able, I'll add some of my other missing books, such as "Homeland" with Dale.


