Michael Van Vlymen is an author and speaker who teaches about the supernatural things of God. It's Michael's passion to share that everyone can learn to see in the spirit realm and walk in the supernatural. Michael travels the world sharing and teaching the revelation God has given him and equipping believers to fulfill their destiny in Christ. Michael says... I am an "ordinary" guy who discovered how real God is. Once I realized that all of the things that the Bible talks about are still available for believers today, my relationship with God took on a vibrancy that I never had known before. I learned that... * Seeing in the spirit is for all believers * Miracles should be normal for those in Christ * Angelic Visitations can be everyday life In my own life, miracles and angelic visitations became the new standard for my Christian experience and I began to journal everything that God was (and is) doing. My books are born out of my new living relationship with God. I am impassioned to share with everyone who ever heard the old Bible stories and wished that God still did those things, that He still does and He will do them with and through YOU! Life with God is meant to be an adventure! Sitting in church once a week and trying to be a good person is a poor trade off for what being a child of God is really all about! I pray you will be curious enough to find out! Blessings! Michael Michael R. Van Vlymen was born in 1958 in Blue Island, IL. Growing up to Pastor/ Missionary parents, Michael has lived in many places over the years, including Brazil, South America. Michael's first book, How to See in the Spirit, is a work drawn from his own life experiences in his pursuit of a deeper walk with God. Michael with his wife Gordana are the founders of River of Blessings Intl. Ministries. www.riverofblessingsinternationalministries.org