Michael Webb is the author of thirty books on modern architecture and design, and has edited and contributed essays to many more. He grew up in London, where he worked at The Times and Country Life magazine, before moving to the U.S. in 1969 to become Programming Director of the American Film Institute. He then curated a major traveling exhibition for the Smithsonian, Hollywood: Legend and Reality, before resuming his writing career. He now lives in Los Angeles when he is not traveling the world to gather material for books and articles. Michael is a regular contributor to leading journals in the US, Europe and Asia. His travel memoir, Moving Around: A Lifetime of Wandering, was published in 2018, and he diverted himself during the Covid lockdown by composing an essay, Voyage Around My Apartment, which was privately printed. His most recent book, California Houses: Creativity in Context, was published by Thames & Hudson in spring 2024.