NOV 5: "THE BRAVE LITTLE PUPPY" - A heartwarming children’s adventure story picture book from the award-winning author of "The Unconditional Love Series" is available in paperback on Amazon.. OCT 21: "I WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOU" - The 9th and final book in "The Unconditional Love Series" is available in paperback on Amazon. Click the Amazon "FOLLOW" button to receive news of new releases. Michael Wong is the award-winning author of "I Wish You Happiness," and "I Will Always Be Proud of You." · Mom's Choice Awards® Gold Award · 2022 Royal Dragonfly Book Award · 2022 The Wishing Shelf Book Awards Silver Medal Winner · 2021 Readers' Favorite Book Awards Gold Medal Winner · 2021 Readers' Favorite Illustration Award Winner · 2021 International Book Awards Winner · 2020 Wishing Shelf Book Awards Winner · 2020 National Indie Excellence Awards Winner · 2020 Foreword Indies Book of The Year Awards Finalist #10. "The Brave Little Puppy" is available in paperback on Amazon. #9. "I Will Always Believe In You" is available in paperback on Amazon. #8. "I Love You With All My Heart" is available in paperback on Amazon. #7. "Be The Best You Can Be" is available in paperback on Amazon. #6. "Share The Kindness In Your Heart" is available in paperback on Amazon. #5. "Never Give Up On Your Dreams" is available in paperback, bilingual, French (Ne renonce jamais à tes rêves), Spanish (Nunca dejes de soñar), Italian (Non rinunciare mai ai tuoi sogni), and German (Gib deine Träume nie auf) editions on Amazon. #4. "I Wish You A Happy Birthday" is available in 10x10" jacketed hardcover, paperback, personalized (250 names), bilingual, French (Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire), Spanish (Te deseo un feliz cumpleaños), Italian (Ti auguro un buon compleanno), and German (Ich wünsche dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag) editions on Amazon. #3. "I Will Always Love You" is available in 10x10" jacketed hardcover, paperback, personalized (250 names), bilingual, French (Je t’aimerai toujours), Spanish (Siempre te amaré), Italian (Ti vorrò sempre bene), and German (Ich werde dich immer lieben) editions on Amazon. #2. "I Will Always Be Proud of You" is available in 10x10" jacketed hardcover, paperback, personalized (250 names), bilingual, French (Je serai toujours fière de toi), Spanish (Siempre estaré orgullosa de ti), Italian (Sarò sempre fiero di te), and German (Ich werde immer stolz auf dich sein) editions on Amazon. #1. "I Wish You Happiness" is available in 10x10" jacketed hardcover, paperback, personalized (250 names), bilingual, French (Je te souhaite du bonheur), Spanish (Te deseo felicidad), Italian (Ti auguro felicità), German (Meine Wünsche für Dich), Chinese (Simplified 我愿你幸福, Traditional 我願你幸福), and Japanese (あなたにしあわせを) editions on Amazon. Michael lives with his wife and two boys in Sydney, Australia. Follow him @PiccoPuppy on Instagram and Facebook.