Michel Baudin


I am a consultant, trainer, and author. Since 1987, I have consulted for such clients as Honda of America, Dell Computer, Canon Virginia, Boeing, Raytheon, Unilever, MetalEurop, the CIADEA automotive group, Hoechst, and others on lean manufacturing implementation, and for high-technology companies like Hewlett Packard, Intel, Motorola. Winbond, and National Semiconductor on production scheduling, process transfer from R&D to production, and computer system architecture for manufacturing applications. I have also designed the MS/X OnTime production scheduler and led the EU-funded INRECA research project. Since 1995, I have taught short courses on the details of lean manufacturing, the management of lean manufacturing implementation, the lean approach to quality, and lean manufacturing for small and medium-size companies, as well as customized in-house seminars for consulting clients. These courses have been offered to the public through UC Berkeley extension, the University of Dayton's Center for Competitive Change, and the Hong Kong Productivity Center, and have been used in house by Honda, Boeing, Canon, Raytheon, Applied Materials, VDO, Siemens, and others. My prior experience includes managing a division of Teknekron Corporation, leading a group at Schlumberger/Fairchild that designed, tested, and supported maintenance management, production scheduling, and quality control software that is in use in semiconductor factories; giving technical support for CIM installations in Japan on behalf of Consilium corporation; and implementing the OPT scheduling system in two General Motors factories. Besides my three books, I have written about 25 articles and papers in various journals since 1977. I have a Master's Degree in Engineering from the Ecole des Mines, Paris, and have done research at the Hahn-Meitner Institute of Berlin and the University of Tokyo. I am a senior fellow of the University of Dayton's Center for Competitive Change, and a member of the IMSE External Advisory Board of Ohio University. I am a native French speaker, but also work in Japanese, German, and Spanish.


