Michel Halmos


Greetings, everyone! Welcome to my author page, and thank you for your interest in my work! The books you are about to see are picture-books that can be grouped into different categories: my animal-painting books, comic-books, and soon: digital-sculpture and art-work books. As of today, June 2, 2018; I'm working on a digital-sculpture book of pre-historic, extinct hominid species: how they may have looked like, based on their fossils. I'm also working on "Abakie's Adventures No.2, a story about the fabulous, ecologically-friendly, renewable energy resource: Biomethane! Perfectly adaptable to Abakie's world as well as ours! My humble contribution with deepest admiration to all the wonderful people and their projects all over the world to save humanity and our beautiful planet earth! Well, that's all for now! You can contact me by e-mail: michelhalmos75011@hotmail.com. If you want to see me in person, I'm based in Paris, France; where every saturday, I exhibit and sell my original paintings (the same ones you see in the eBooks!) at the "Marché Création Bastille" (Metro: Bastille)Boulevard Richard Lenoir, Paris 11, France. Ask for the guy who paints the animals! Hope to hear from you, and even better, SEE you soon! All my best; Michel Halmos June 2, 2018


