Dr. Michele Finneran


Dr. Michele Finneran, is a licensed professional counselor located in the State of Florida, USA. She owns and operates her a group private counseling practice, called Vecc & Associates, LLC. Dr. Finneran thoroughly enjoys helping others, both personally and professionally, as helping others was deeply instilled in her upbringing with her close-knit family. Dr. Finneran was always encouraged to be determined and to make her dreams a reality. In writing her book called the "The Compassion Conundrum: Strategies for First Responders and Service Providers" was designed to help professionals who help others. This guide breaks down the similarities and differences of stress, burn-out and compassion fatigue. It also illustrates how to determine early detection of signs and what to took for in terms of physicla and psychological / emotional symptoms. Lastly, it has a call-to-action as to how to be preventive in warding off stress, burnout and compassion fatigue while trying to give quality of care to your clients, patients and communities.

