Mike Aiello Vincent


Mike Aiello Vincent is the author of "From Lemons to Lemonade, Don’t Forget Cotton!" (2021). He holds a Bachelor in Theology and a Masters in Human Resources Management. Learning these different systems of beliefs allowed him to better understand human relations, improving morale, and leadership development. Mike loves to travel and experience different cultures. He enjoys nature and is an avid outdoorsy individual weaving his adventures into his stories like skydiving and texting. He is a dog person and appreciates a bottomless glass of mimosa. After spending 14 years in the corporate world, Mike decided to venture in the world of imagination and curiosity. While taking acting classes his journey in writing began to flourish while working on film projects where he learned the art of storytelling. Mike has worked as a stand-in for numerous television and film sets. When he’s not making double bogeys at his favorite golf course, he has a penchant of discovering new and abandoned golf balls in the thicket of bushes. He adores being a thespian and delights in the simple things in life. He lives with his family in Hawaii.

