Mike Branon is the bestselling author of Pickleball & The Art of Living. His new book, The Joy of Pickleball, seeks to help older athletes play their best and enjoy every day. He has traveled the world, having explored different cultures on all seven continents, giving him perspective that informs his writing and teaching styles. This feeling of connectedness is the overriding theme of his writing – connecting to our felt need for acceptance, family, and fulfillment. Mike lives in Carlsbad, California with his wife, Diane, and designer mutt, Cabo. He thought his childhood dreams of being an astronaut were over, but if you buy his book (and convince 70 million of your friends to do the same), he’ll grab a ticket on one of Richard, Elon or Jeff’s rockets, open the window, and hit the longest dink ever from outer space. Won’t you help little Mike’s dreams come true? Go to mikebranon.com for instructional videos, stretching tips and other features that can help you play better, healthier, and happier!