Mindie Burgoyne, is a travel writer, blogger, author, tour operator, and speaker. Her focus is spiritual travel - travel within the context of a story to mystical - magical places that stir the mind, body, and spirit. Her tour company has three subsidiaries - Chesapeake Ghost Tours - a trail of 11 regional ghost walks on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Thin Places Mystical Tours - annual spiritual tours and travel services to mystical/sacred sites in Ireland, and Travel Hag Adventures - a travel club for girlfriends. Mindie has written six books on regional travel and her writings and photographs have been featured in the Baltimore Sun, CBS News, National Geographic Television Network, the Today Show, Maryland Life Magazine, What's Up Eastern Shore, the National Catholic Reporter, Guideposts, the Vancouver Sun, Metropolitan Magazine and Notre Dame Magazine as well as numerous business and travel websites. Mindie currently runs four blog sites, three focusing on travel and one on opinion - her opinion.