Over the past thirty-plus years of my faith journey, I have written my prayers and journaled my romance with God. This book is not a prosperity theology where people use God to get what they want. Quite the opposite. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a Person who enables us to do God's will; not a power we put to use for whatever we will. As seen in the Book of Job, prosperity may cover a multitude of sins, but adversity uncovers them. When going through hardships Job's pure motives surfaced. However, Job's wife's motives under adversity surfaced as impure. When you face adversity, will your life's motives surface as Job's? Or will you allow the difficulties to cause you to question God's goodness? Learning to journal your prayers will help you express both, allowing you to see yourself as God does. My greatest joy is sharing the miraculous things God has done and continues to do in my life. Whatever situation you find yourself in today, don't give up. My prayer is that you too will begin to experience the extraordinary God who will travel even to the ends of the earth so that you might know and experience His goodness and mercy. Through rainbows and revelations, I met the man I've called my knight in shining armor for over 18 years, and how it was that I became a widow, single mom, and Pastor's Wife at the age of forty-eight. Through my writing you will discover the power of journaling your prayers, and the extraordinary ways in which God answers prayers. My journey continues and I want to share some deeply personal journal entries, and the simple child-like prayers I wrote while processing some of the most difficult seasons from which many of my stories come from. I have chased rainbows after the storm. I have known what it is to experience deep sorrow as well as tremendous joy. Writing some of my life experiences is one of the things that has brought me great joy. Topics I write about include my personal adoption story, infertility, losses, dreams, and and romance.