Miriyam Glazer


Miriyam Glazer, Rabbi and Emerita Professor of Literature at American Jewish University, is the author of PSALMS OF THE JEWISH LITURGY: A GUIDE TO THEIR BEAUTY, POWER AND MEANING, a book that opens up the Biblical psalms for readers, and enables them to enter them deeply. Rabbi Glazer is a frequent Visiting Scholar and Public Speaker who remains close to the hundreds of students she has taught over the years. She serves on the Board of Governors of Sandra Caplan Community Beit Din (Rabbinical Court), and the Southern California Board of Rabbis. She has written for newspapers and magazines in New York and Los Angeles, and is the editor of THE BEDSIDE TORAH, and the author of DREAMING THE ACTUAL: Fiction and Poetry by Israeli Women Writers, a compelling book that unfolds Israeli women's versions of the country's story, from the pre-state era to the present, along with other books. Her beloved avocations are i(vegetable) gardening and cooking -- not surprisingly she co-authored JEWISH FESTIVAL COOKING with her sister, Phyllis Glazer. She is married to Rabbi Anthony Elman and is the mother of Avigail Schotz, a television writer turned psychotherapist.


