Mitch Francis


Mitch’s lifetime in business revealed an axiom: roadblocks are continually thrown in the way of every single step a businessperson must take toward achieving his/her goals. To succeed, you need to develop really good problem-solving skills and be relentlessly tenacious. Solving cultural and national problems proved to be no different. For this book, he applied his extreme problem-solving skills to many of the most disastrous problems of our time such as global warming, homelessness, immigration and mass killings. These are not mainstream or commonly-known ideas—they are viable, achievable, and just make incredible sense—Bad-Ass Solutions. Mitch isn’t a professor or academic, so the problems and the solutions in this book are addressed in a way that “normal” people can relate to and even enjoy. He’s also not "political." That's important, because there's little room for partisanship when trying to tackle important issues that affect all of us. It makes sense to problem-solve together. Having no horse in the race is just what’s needed for unbiased perspective and creativity. You will likely read some solutions or statements that you will hate him for, assuming he’s a liberal asshole, or alternately, a conservative asshole. At some point, you will probably think you have him pegged. You’ll be sure he’s a Democrat, then sure he’s a Republican. He never declares. In the real world, apart from the party-line politicians, Mitch says, “aren’t we all actually liberal on some issues and conservative on others? It seems everyone I talk to is this way. This thoughtfulness and flexibility I find in real Americans gives me hope. We need to bypass the fierce loyalty to rigid party positions to actually accomplish something.” Mitch (perhaps like you) has become extremely critical of both parties and their intractable “party positions” that just serve to feed on our differences and only exacerbate hate and distrust of each other. He is also sick of the red-state / blue-state categories that try to succinctly define a US state and its entire population of millions of diverse Americans as if there is only one issue involved, as there was for the Civil War. Is that what they’re trying to duplicate? Feels like it. This political polarization is dangerous stuff. He says we need to be brought together, not separated for the benefit of political parties and the shorthand convenience of the press. Mitch founded, directed, and managed private and publicly-traded companies as CEO across many fields, such as commercial real estate development and international entertainment. One company became the largest ticket broker in Las Vegas, selling more than one billion dollars of show tickets, attractions, and dining. He owns and manages commercial properties throughout the US and has a California Real Estate Broker license that he doesn’t use (like everyone else in California). His inventions have yielded four United States patents, with another three inventions currently patent-pending. He grew up in Denver, Colorado, and so of course has had a life-long love affair with skiing. He was on the Vail Ski Team specializing in downhill racing and taught skiing on weekends and holidays while at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Picture him studying on the chairlifts . . . Mitch lives in Los Angeles with his amazing wife, Sandy. He found her after she got lost while skiing in a white-out. She says he saved her life, so she was obligated to marry him. It’s working out–forty-two years! Please join Mitch as a bad-ass problem-solver to help make this country, and the world, a much better place.


