Moncef Krarti


Moncef Krarti, Professor, Associate Chair, and Director, Building Systems Program, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department at the University of Colorado, has a vast experience in designing, testing, and assessing innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies applied to buildings. He also directed several projects in energy management of buildings. In particular, he has conducted over 1000 energy audits of various residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities. He has a published a textbook on energy audit of building systems that is widely used to teach energy audit techniques. Moreover, he has conducted several training workshops and courses in energy analysis of building energy systems using state-of-the art measurement and simulation techniques. In addition to his experience as an international consultant in energy efficiency, Prof. Krarti has published over 200 technical journals and handbook chapters in various fields related to energy efficiency and energy conservation. As part of his activities as a professor at the University of Colorado, he has managed the energy management center at the University of Colorado. He has also helped the development of similar energy efficiency centers in other countries including Brazil, Mexico, and Tunisia. Dr. Krarti has an extensive experience in promoting building energy efficiency technologies and policies overseas, including the development of building energy codes and energy efficiency training programs in several countries, including Tunisia, Sri Lanka, Egypt and collaborative research with over ten countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America.


