Monika Hürlimann grew up in communist Poland, where she experienced martial law and food rationing firsthand in the 1980s. In 1984 she emigrated illegally with her family to West Germany. To date, she has published works of fiction in anthologies, an essay in a weekly magazine, and various professional publications as a psychiatrist. The writer is interested in what motivates people to act the way they do and how it is that we deal differently with obstacles in life. She is also concerned with questions about personal happiness, the search for role models, and factors that influence inner sovereignty. She touches on these topics in her stories. The author encourages the readers to immerse themselves in it and in this way deal with their own concept of life and its implementation. Today, Monika Hürlimann runs her own medical-psychiatric practice with a focus on cognitive-behavioral therapy in Switzerland. As a forensic psychiatrist, she also writes criminal law expert reports for public prosecutors and courts. Learn more about the author at: