I have worked in the colorant industry for over 25 years. I owned and was President of a colorant manufacturing company (Accurate Color) and a pulverizing company (Accurate Compounding). I have been consulting in the plastics industry for 22 years after selling my manufacturing companies to a competitor. As a consultant, I currently specialize in Rotational Molding, colorants and additives for thermoplastics. UV stabilization, heat stabilization and color fade of outdoor plastic products are areas of specialization. I have sold products or services to manufacturing facilities in over 40 countries. "The ABC's of Using Color in Rotationally Molded Products" is the fifth book I have written related to Rotational Molding. The first four books I wrote are owned by the Association of Rotational Molders (ARM). I am an Emeritus Member member of The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and have been a member since 1969. I have been a member of The Association of Rotational Molders (ARM) since 1981. I was elected to the Rotational Molding Hall of Fame as the 31st member in 2007.