Mr. Michael Barber


The author, Michael Barber, worked as an instrumental analytical chemist for over 10 years which included as a mass spectroscopist at Finnigan Mat (ThermoFisher Scientific), the largest instrument manufacture in the world. Later, he became a successful Internet software entrepreneur during the Internet Dotcom boom, creating SalesCart Ecommerce software, the first script-based ecommerce solution in the world. Currently, he works as a Chief Data Officer. Logical challenge, solving complicated data problems, unlocking coded information, and deciphering architecture lies at the core of his motivations. As an avid Star Trek fan, he first became interested in the Oak Island mystery in January 1979 while watching the In search of… series starring Leonard Nimoy (“Mr. Spock”) and the episode entitled “The Money Pit Mystery.” After the previews for the History Channel Curse of Oak Island TV series in 2003, he began watching the show religiously and has seen every single episode since then. Nevertheless, the author, being scientifically minded, was originally a firm skeptic of Oak Island pirate treasure. On its face, the concept of anyone hiding treasure chests a hundred feet underground in the Money Pit was geologically and scientifically nearly impossible. With a firm understanding of metal chemistry, organic chemistry, and metal oxidation, he believes it simply was beyond scientifically practical and ultimately destructive to store anything of any great value so far below sea level. Remember, even the best-designed U.S. naval submarines…leak. However, all of that changed around March 2021. After solving two of the ciphers of Oak Island to the exact same location and then doing some mathematical geometric calculations, it all revealed itself, becoming immediately apparent that he had solved a mystery that had captured the imagination of nearly 3 million viewers each week and hundreds of searchers for the last 229+ years. The solution hinted to Christian Knights Templar treasures, and even potentially the Ark of the Covenant – lost for over 2.5 millennia.


