My name is Travis Michael Burns, Originally from Denver, Colorado, now living in South Dakota. I am an artist, photographer, traveler and I have released several online short photo books on Amazon for the past couple years. I am former US Navy photographer, I have done photography in the Persian Gulf, Asia, Australia and North America. I was born in 1976, I have been to many places around the world, these publicized images are of art from around the world, to places I enjoyed taking photography of, and some are of the difficult tasks and adversities I have to face in my life. I admit I am a human being, I certainly have made some bad choices in my life and I am paying the consequences for my bad choices in life that I have made. I love art, music and most of all my family. I have not been very kind to myself or my family. I do realize that I suffer from not only my own demons but the demons of this world, which have lead me down a dark path. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other issues. I am taking the steps I need to too keep going so I can live a better life. Not only for myself but my family as well. I only hope to share these images with all of you, so you can enjoy the art work that so many others have produced in this world in Asia, Australia, Middle East and North America. Dumpster Television Magazine; DTV is a magazine rooted towards art work from the ground level, the city streets which are alive with graffiti art, murals, stencils, tags and trains full of amazing work from many talented artists. If these photographic recordings never took place these graffiti art pieces would be gone forever. It is simply a decision made by myself at a young age to record as much art as possible, and I intend on doing as much art as possible while I'm here on this planet to do so. There are also other publications available at createspace and on kindle for these released photo story magazines.