William Dow


Bill Dow, PMP, is a recognized expert in Project Management by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for specifically developing and managing Project Management Offices (PMOs.) His extensive experience with Project Management and PMOs has enabled him to author and co-author several comprehensive books available through Amazon.com. Bill has taught at the college level for over 30 years in Washington State, British Columbia and Ontario, Canada, and has worked at Microsoft for over 14 years running eight Project Management offices. Bill has moved on from Microsoft now and is the Director of the PMO at the University of WA in the Seattle, WA area. He has spoken at multiple Project Management Institute (PMI) conferences, breakfasts, and events nationally. As a PMP and subject matter expert, Bill is available to author white papers, articles and blog posts on specific topics relating to the trends within Project Management. He is also poised to deliver training, however basic or complex, that makes best practices immediately applicable to audiences that may be just beginning or those having lengthy experience in Project Management methods. Contact Bill for more information on how he can support your organization either through delivering training, consulting with your project management experts, or speaking at your next event.   Books:   Project Communications 2.0 PMO Service Offerings - Selecting the right services for your PMO! The PMO Lifecycle - Building, Running and Shutting Down Project Management Communications Tools The Tactical Guide for Building a PMO Project Management Communications Bible Contact Bill Dow, PMP billdow@dowpublishingllc.com www.billdowpmp.com www.dowpublishingllc.com Twitter: @billdow Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/billdow YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Dowpublishingllc



