Mrs. Claudine Wells


Claudine Wells is a 63 years old soul who lives as a Pilates and Yoga instructor for seniors and herbal healer 'nana.' She has been a senior Yoga teacher for ten years in Bali, where she lives with her husband Mike and Cassandra, her cat that everyone calls ‘Cassie’, and her beloved turtle Lulù. Claudine has two kids and one grandchild, who hopefully will soon discover the magic world of Yoga, balance, and spiritual awakening. She loves writing, gardening, healing with herbs, Yoga retreats, taking and giving lessons, performing Moon’s rituals, and going for long walks in Nature. With an Italian heritage descending from her grandmother, Claudine comes from Minnesota, where she celebrated the snow as a source of inspiration, while she now prefers Indonesian vibes that resonate more with her true spirit.


