Before Jesus became God's Anointed One - The Christ - he was Yeshua, the little boy, much like other little boys, but with some extraordinary gifts no other child had. Some scholars believe the "Christmas Star" was actually the conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and the star Regulus - in the year 3 BC. Other scholars believe the Wise Men were Zoroastrians from Northern India/Persia. My Christmas story, therefore, begins with the Wise Men arriving at the stable on Yeshua's second birthday - a little artistic license, nudged on by the story of Herod demanding his soldiers kill all the Hebrew children of Bethlehem two years old and under. The "Slaughter of the Innocents" is believed to be historical. There is no account of the Holy Family's journey to Egypt in any known Biblical texts, so I have created a fictional tale. Their travels in Egypt, however, form the foundation of Coptic Christianity. In this first book in the series, I take the reader to the border of Egypt and into Pelusium. Book 2 is a fictionalized chronicle of the first half of their adventures in Egypt and book three presents the second half of their time in Egypt. I began writing early in life and started painting in 1994. I am a long time member of the United Church of Canada. When I'm not working on the "Yeshua" series, I am painting - predominantly trees in oil or watercolours, nurturing my perennial flower border or relaxing with my family which includes two young Grandsons. I live in a century old yellow brick house in London, Ontario that is lush with native trees and alive with an array of small mammals and birds. My fine art is available at: www.celiamuncasterfineart.com. Celia Muncaster