Murray Dickson has worked in community health and oral health promotion in marginalized communities locally and internationally for several decades. As a CUSO cooperant, he and his family lived for two-year periods in Nigeria, Papua New Guinea and Mozambique. He twice evaluated a national dental training program in Cambodia, and has been a member of the project monitoring team for an HIV/AIDS control project in Kenya. Currently he is training consultant for the Training for Health Renewal Program (THRP), a partnership between the University of Saskatchewan and Mozambique’s Ministry of Health. Within THRP, he coordinated the development and implementation of two ‘training of trainers’ courses which aim to improve community health teaching and practice in Mozambique. He is an associate of the Prairie Region Health Promotion Research Centre, and part time faculty in the College of Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. In addition to Where There is No Dentist, Dr. Dickson has published several articles and papers on oral health, participatory research, and primary health care.